You may have noticed there are several official service packs available for ANSYS 14.0. In case it’s not clear to you what each of these service packs is for, here is a brief explanation to hopefully allow you to determine which of them you may need for your particular application of ANSYS products.
ANSYS140.0.1: Service Pack 1:
This fixes a rare scenario in which the ANSYS Mechanical database can be overwritten with a zero size file on exiting ANSYS Workbench by clicking the close window icon. This is recommended for all Workbench Mechanical Users.
ANSYS140.0.3: Service Pack 3:
This fixes a problem causing a potential solver error for ANSYS Mechanical APDL ("classic") for large modal superposition harmonic analyses. The definition of large is on the order of half a million degrees of freedom. If you are an ANSYS Mechanical APDL user, this service pack is recommended.
ANSYS140.0.8: Service Pack 8:
This fixes a list of issues with ANSYS Icepak. If you are a user of Icepak 14.0, this service pack is recommended.
ANSYS140.0.10: Service Pack 10:
This fixes a performance (speed) issue with ANSYS Composite PrepPost 14.0. As of this writing the service pack is only available for Windows 64 bit platforms. This service pack also includes service pack 1.
All other service packs are available for Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit, and Linux 64 bit systems. All service packs and more info on the service packs can be obtained on the ANSYS Customer Portal in the software download area. Click on the hyperlink for a given product’s "Last Update" date. That will bring up documentation on the available service packs for that product.