If you haven’t noticed, ANSYS, Inc. has been making quite a few ACT extensions available for ANSYS 15.0 on the ANSYS Customer Portal. If you are not familiar with ACT (ANSYS Customization Toolkit) Extensions, please see our earlier blog entry, “There’s an Extension for That,” here.
As of this writing, there are 20 ACT extensions available for download from the Customer Portal for version 15.0. There is also a set of training files available from the same link.
Among the new additions is an extension allowing the use of Mechanical APDL User Programmable Features in the Mechanical editor. Previously this could only be done in MAPDL. You will still need to install the customization files as part of the ANSYS installation, and you will still need the proper versions of the FORTRAN compiler and Visual Studio. However, this extension unleashes a significant capability within the Workbench Mechanical tool that wasn’t there previously, access to UPF’s.
The documentation states that it works with both versions 14.5 and 15.0 of ANSYS. To get to the 15.0 ACT Extensions download area, login to the ANSYS Customer Portal and navigate through Downloads > Extension Library > 15.0. We urge you to browse the list of available extension available from the Customer Portal to see which might have benefits to your simulations.
Here is a list of all of the current extensions:
ACT Intro Training_R150_v1
ACT Introductory Training Materials
ACT Templates for DM_R150_v1
Templates for educational purpose; demonstrates most common scenarios of ACT-based development needs in DesignModeler
ACT Templates for DX_R150_v1
Templates for educational purpose; demonstrate integration of external optimizers
ACT Templates_R150_v1
Templates for educational purpose; cover most common ACT-based development needs
Acoustics Extension R150_v42
Expose 3D acoustics solver capabilities
Convection Extension_R150_v4
Expose convection with pilot node capability in steady-state and transient thermal analyses
Coupled Diffusion_R150_v3
Introduce coupled diffusion analysis (structural diffusion, thermal diffusion, and structural thermal diffusion) in both static and full transient analysis
Coupled Field Physics Extension_R150_v1
Expose piezoelectric, thermal-piezoelectric and thermal-structural solver capabilities
Expose the Dynamic Design Analysis Method (DDAM) in Mechanical interface
Design Modeler Utility_R150_v1
Expose some useful functions in DM interface
Distributed Mass_R150_v2
Add distributed mass (rather than a point mass) to a surface as either “total mass” or “mass per unit area”
Enforced Motion_R150_v3
In Mode-Superposition Harmonic and Transient Analyses, allows applying base excitation (displacement or acceleration). Excitation can be either constant or frequency/time dependent
FE Info Extension_R150_v9
Expose node and element related information
Map temperature and pressure loads (from a CFD calculation) to a multi-step Mechanical analysis for transient one-way FSI. Includes CFD-Post macros
Follower Loads Extension_R150_v2
Create follower forces and moments to follow geometric deformation
Hydrostatic Fluid_R150_v5
Expose hydrostatic fluid elements in Mechanical
Expose MATLAB optimization algorithms and user programs in the Optimization component of ANSYS DesignXplorer
Change material ID to user specified value for the selected bodies
Expose the MAPDL offshore features in Mechanical
Piezo Extension_R150_v8
Expose piezo-electric solver capabilities
UPF Extension_R150_v1
Allow for the use of User Programmable Features (UPF) within Workbench
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