With the increase of interest in 3D Printing from the general public, PADT has been asked to speak about the technology over several different forms of media. The local Phoenix TV stations were kind enough to come in and learn about the technology, including a great interview on the local PBS station. We have been asked to give presentations to schools, inventor groups, and even a conference on traditional digital printing. Last week we crossed over into a new area for us, talk radio.
Don’t worry, this was not political talk radio… we are still waiting for Rush Limbaugh’s call. A local financial station, Money Radio, wanted to talk about 3D Printing. Renee Palacios and your truly were interviewed by John Barnabas, host for “Happiness, Opportunity and Technology.”
You can listen to the full broadcast here:
You can always learn more about 3D Printing on our Rapid Prototyping Page or contact us.
If you need someone to talk about 3D Printing to your organization or if you are in the media and need recognized experts who can explain the technology, contact us and we would be happy to work with you.
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