PADT has always been a proud supporter of STEM education in our community. This summer we have been busy planning some new activities to help support local schools. Today we are busy attending the Innovation Arizona Summit which is a joint collaborative of the Arizona SciTech Festival, the MIT Enterprise Forum Phoenix and the Arizona Commerce Authority.
As part of our attendance, we will be promoting our first ever 3D printing contest, 3DPAZ which will challenge high school students in Arizona with the task of creating or improving an existing engineering product. We are very excited to be launching this contest and cannot wait to see what students come up with. Please visit our website for more information on how to take part in this contest by clicking here.
We are also very excited to be extending our support to the FIRST Robotics Competition by way of a new grant program for Arizona schools or organizations that are competing in the in the 2014/2015 FRC season. If you are interested in either the 3DPAZ contest or the FRC Grant program, please email Kathryn Pesta at
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