When running on a machine with a Linux operating system, it is not uncommon for users to want to run from the command line or with a shell script. To do this you need to know where the actual executable files are located. Based on a request from a customer, we have tried to coalesce the major ANSYS product executables that can be run via command line on Linux into a single list:
ANSYS Workbench (Includes ANSYS Mechanical, Fluent, CFX, Polyflow, Icepak, Autodyn, Composite PrepPost, DesignXplorer, DesignModeler, etc.):
ANSYS Mechanical APDL, a.k.a. ANSYS ‘classic’:
/ansys_inc/v172/ansys/bin/launcher172 (brings up the MAPDL launcher menu)
/ansys_inc/v172/ansys/bin/mapdl (launches ANSYS MAPDL)
CFX Standalone:
Autodyn Standalone:
Note: A required argument for Autodyn is –I {ident-name}
Fluent Standalone (Fluent Launcher):
Icepak Standalone:
Polyflow Standalone:
/ansys_inc/v172/polyflow/bin/polyflow/polyflow < my.dat
ANSYS Electronics Desktop (for Ansoft tools, e.g. Maxwell, HFSS)
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