I’ve had enough. The destruction of facts and truth in public and business is not acceptable. The Phoenix Business Journal has allowed me a nice big soap box to rant from as a guest this week on their regular “My View” feature.
Usually I don’t make a direct apeal for anyone to read my musing, let alone share it. Now I am asking you to read “My View: Tech leaders need to take a stand for facts and truth” and if it resonates with you, please share it with others. I believe what I said:
“So what can we do? We must dig our heals in and challenge misinformation, or at least demand supporting facts. We cannot back down when those we call to task use bluster and misdirection to avoid answering our challenge. Call them out on their tactics, don’t accept lies, don’t stoop to their level of name calling, stick to the facts, and stay on topic.”
Thank you for your consideration.
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