This certification will allow our Aerospace customers to come to PADT with the knowledge that an accredited quality organization, Orion Registrar, Inc., has audited our QMS and it meets the requirements of the latest aerospace manufacturing quality standards. Developing our QMS to meet these standards has been an ongoing effort in PADT’s Advanced Manufacturing Department that separates the scanning and 3D Printing services we offer from most service providers. This investment in developing a robust and effective QMS and the certification it has received reaffirms our commitment to not just print or scan parts for people. PADT takes quality, process, and customer satisfaction seriously.
Even if they are not printing or scanning Aerospace components, customers benefit from our certified QMS. Every project is conducted under an established system that builds in quality, inspects for it, and continuously improves.
This milestone would not have been achieved without the dedication of our quality team along with the cooperation and enthusiasm of our Advanced Manufacturing staff. From front-office to facilities to machine operators, everyone did their part to establish a high standard and then achieve certification.
The best way to understand the advantages of how PADT does Scanning and 3D Printing is to try us out. You can also learn more by visiting our Aerospace Manufacturing page where we talk about our QMS and the services it covers.
Please find the official press release on this new partnership below and here in PDF and HTML
If you have any questions about our certification, additive manufacturing, or scanning & reverse engineering, reach out to or call 480.813.4884.
Press Release:
Confirming its Commitment to Customer Service, PADT’s Quality Management System for 3D Printing and Scanning Earns Aerospace Certification
AS9100D(2016) + ISO 9001:2015 Certification Ensure PADT Aerospace Customers
Receive Consistent and Excellent Quality Products and Services
“This certification represents strong, third-party validation of our long-standing commitment to quality, continuous improvement, and the delivery of efficient solutions with the upmost value,” said Rey Chu, principal and co-founder, PADT. “We are proud of the thoroughness and attention to detail of our team. Our aerospace customers can be confident that we meet the most stringent industry standards.”
PADT has a long history of prototyping for aerospace companies and has seen an increase in the industry’s use of 3D scanning and printing for end-use parts as the technology has advanced. The QMS certifications ensure PADT’s experience and excellence in carrying out these services.
To learn more about PADT and its QMS certification, please visit
About Phoenix Analysis and Design Technologies
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Media Contact Alec Robertson TechTHiNQ on behalf of PADT 585-281-6399 |
PADT Contact Eric Miller PADT, Inc. Principal & Co-Owner 480.813.4884 |
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