For our Holiday parties at PADT, we generally have over 50 employees, so a traditional Secret Santa gift exchange takes too long. At some point, we downloaded a right-left gift exchange story from the internet, and it was a big hit. When we ran out of stories on the internet, we started writing our own, usually in some sort of over-the-top style that fits the theme of our holiday party.
How Does The Gift Exchange Work?
Everyone gets the gift they brought and forms a big circle in the middle of the room. Someone with a strong voice (or a microphone) reads the story, and every time the word LEFT is read, everyone passes the package they have to the left. Every time the word RIGHT is read, everyone passes the package they have to their right. You should pause a bit at each LEFT/RIGHT to give people a chance to pass. Once the story is over, you end up with the gift you are holding.
You Can Find Previous Gift Exchange Stories Here:
- Forgetting Christmas (2024)
- Hawaii Christmas (2023)
- Picnic Christmas (2022)
- Vegas Christmas (2019)
- Hollywood Golden Age Christmas (2018)
- Elf Family Christmas (2017)
- Western Christmas (2016)
- Star Wars Christmas (2015)
- Fairy Tale Christmas (2014)
- Science Fiction Christmas (2013)
- Romance Christmas (2012)
- Film Noir Christmas (2011)
These stories are for everyone’s use, free, and with no strings attached. So please copy and paste the text into your word processor and enjoy. And if it all goes well, please share a picture with us at
This year’s theme was “a Hollywood Party,” red carpet and all. So our story takes a look back at the golden age in Tinseltown.
Brock’s Star-Studded Christmas Adventure
The Hollywood sign showed bRIGHTly in the rearview mirror of Brock “LEFTy” Johnsons’ 45 Cadillac convertible on that fateful Christmas Eve. RIGHT now, he needed to focus. He was nervous because two of the biggest stars in the world were in the back seat. On the LEFT was Catherine Hepburn. On the RIGHT, Jimmy Stewart. And to top it off, in the front seat to his RIGHT was Donna Reed, Jimmy Stewart’s co-star in the soon to be released “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Brock was a mid-level producer for the studio who was at the RIGHT place at the wrong, or maybe the RIGHT time. The studio boss, Robby LEFTensteen had picked him to drive the stars to a Christmas Party RIGHT smack dab in the middle of Palm Springs.
They LEFT the studio at four PM, RIGHT after Miss Hepburn had finished filming for the day. They were late, so Brock stayed in the LEFT lane once they got on the freeway. Mrs. Read turned and talked to her friends over her LEFT shoulder as they sped out of town and climbed RIGHT up the hill to the desert.
About an hour into the drive Brock heard Jimmy Stewart say, “Ah, l-l-LEFTy, I think you should slow down. Um, Ah, over there. On the RIGHT side of the road. Looks like someone had a bit of a spill.” Brock looked out the RIGHT side of the car as he slowed, and he could just make out the bottom of a big red vehicle. Strangely, on the RIGHT and LEFT of the wreck, a group of deer stood chewing on the desert shrubs. He turned on his RIGHT turn signal and crossed to the opposite side of the road, and drove slowly off the pavement towards the wreck.
In his panic, he parked RIGHT next to some cactus, so they all had to exit from the RIGHT side of the car. He and Jimmy Stewart walked to the RIGHT side of the large red vehicle, noticing that it had no wheels. It was a slay. When they got to the other side, he could not believe what he saw.
RIGHT there, RIGHT in the middle of the desert, RIGHT in front of him was Santa Clause laying with his legs pinned RIGHT of a giant bag of gifts. And he was obviously unconscious.
Kathrine Hepburn let out a scream and ran RIGHT to Santa’s LEFT side, and Donna Read crouched on his RIGHT side. They gently slapped his face till he woke up.
“Ho Ho Ho! That was the biggest goose I’ve ever seen!” said Santa Clause as he shook his head LEFT and RIGHT. “I thought I was LEFT for dead! Ho Ho Ho!”
“W-W-We are RIGHT here to help. You lay RIGHT here while we get this bag off of you.”
With much grunting and struggling, Jimmy Stewart and Brock pulled the bag off, which LEFT Santa’s legs free. The big jolly man rolled onto his LEFT side then slowly stood up.
“Ho Ho Ho! That goose LEFT me knocked out. RIGHT now, I want to focus on RIGHTing my slay and deliver all the presents I have LEFT.
That is when Brock “LEFTy” Johnson found himself pushing on the RIGHT end of a giant red slay with Jimmy Steward, Kathrine Hepburn, Donna Read, AND Santa Clause. They rocked the sled LEFT and back until it rolled RIGHT over onto its runners. Santa let out a whistle, and the reindeer lined up RIGHT in front of the sleigh.
While they all stood lined up RIGHT along the side of the road, the sound of jingling bells filled the air around them as the sled leaped straight up in the air and moved in a slow RIGHT-hand turn above them.
“Ho Ho Ho! Jimmy and Kathrine, Donna and LEFTy! Thank you for always doing the RIGHT thing and for making movies that have LEFT me crying and laughing!”
Brock felt Miss Hepburn lean against his LEFT shoulder as she whispered “Merry Christmas Santa” into the cool desert night as the giant red sleigh LEFT their sight.