Ansys computational fluid dynamics (CFD) products are for engineers who need to make better, faster decisions. CFD simulation products have been validated and are highly regarded for their superior computing power and accurate results. Reduce your development time and efforts while improving performance and safety.
With Ansys 2021 R2 comes a variety of features for improved workflows and more advanced simulations. Experience up to 5X speed ups for high-speed flows to Mach 30 and above, with improved treatment of reaction sources in the density-based solver. Discover embedded best practices in the automated mesh adaption setup for combustion and multiphase applications, resulting in cell count reductions of up to 70%.
Join PADT’s Senior Application Engineer and fluids expert Sina Ghods for an overview of what’s new in this latest release, including enhancements made to:
CFX & Turbo Tools
And much more

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