Whether you’re working with fluids, structures, or even electronics, it’s important to optimize your design as early as possible in order to avoid the need for multiple iterations and other roadblocks that can drastically slow down your workflow. This can prove be difficult however for those working with traditional manufacturing tools, as well as users new to numerical simulation.

By combining interactive modeling and multiple simulation capabilities in a first-of-its-kind product, Ansys Discovery allows users to answer critical design questions earlier in the design process with speed and accuracy. This tool lets engineers focus on innovation and product performance, with an upfront approach to simulation that saves time and effort on prototyping as users can explore multiple design concepts in real time with no need to wait for simulation results.

Join PADT’s Chief Simulation Support Engineer and Discovery expert Joe Woodward for an in-depth look at this tool and it’s new capabilities in the first update of 2023 for the following areas:
- Fluids
- Eectromagnetics
- Structures
- Modeling
- And much more
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