Volumetric Additive Manufacturing, Reverse Photo Lithography

A vat photopolymerization additive manufacturing process where highly controlled light from multiple sources is projected into a volume of photopolymer rather than onto the build layer. Strictly speaking, it is not a layer-based process. The light from each projector combines at the wavelength level with constructive interference to deliver enough energy to the right voxel to activate the photopolymer.

It is also called reverse photo topography (RPT) or Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM)

Instead of building up the part layer by layer, the part is solidified inside a sealed, rotating cylinder. At every rotation, more energy is constructed in the voxels to be solidified. Because of this approach, it can be over an order of magnitude faster than other vat photopolymerization processes.

Abbreviated as CAL. The technology was developed at the University of California, Berkeley which is referred to as Cal – hence the abbreviation.

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