Ansys Sherlock automated design analysis provides fast and accurate life predictions for electronic hardware at the component, board and system levels in early design stages. Sherlock bypasses the ‘test-fail-fix-repeat’ cycle by empowering designers to accurately model silicon–metal layers, semiconductor packaging, printed circuit boards (PCBs) and assemblies to predict failure risks due to thermal, mechanical and manufacturing stressors – all before prototyping.
With embedded libraries containing over 500,000 parts, Sherlock rapidly converts electronic computer-aided design (ECAD) files into computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) models. Each model contains accurate geometries, material properties and translates stress information into validated time-to-failure predictions. Key functionality includes:
Learn more by checking out the PADT Blog Here
Electrical, mechanical, reliability engineers and more can work in tandem to implement design best practices, predict product lifetimes and reduce failure risks. Sherlock reduces expensive build-and-test iterations by virtually running thermal cycling, power-temperature cycling, vibration, shock, bending, thermal derating, accelerated life, natural frequency, CAF and more so you can adjust designs in near real-time and achieve qualification in one round. In post-processing simulation results from Icepak and Mechanical, Sherlock is able to predict test success, estimate warranty return rates and make Icepak and Mechanical users more efficient by directly connecting simulation to material and manufacturing costs.
Unlike any other tool on the market, Sherlock uses files created by your design team to build 3D models of electronic assemblies for trace modeling, post-processing of finite element analysis and reliability predictions. This early insight translates to almost immediate identification of areas of concern and gives you the ability to quickly adjust and retest designs.
Ansys Sherlock can be used for pre-processing of Ansys Mechanical and Ansys IcePak. Sherlock’s over 500,000 parts materials library enables the creation of accurate and complex FEA models. These models can be imported directly into Mechanical and Icepak for improved model fidelity and analysis.
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7755 S Research Dr
Suite 110
Tempe, AZ 85284
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165 S Union Blvd
Suite 550
Lakewood, CO 80228
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Sandia Science & Technology Park
1451 Innovation Pkwy SE
Suite 402
Albuquerque, NM 87123
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