We just finished the last group and we can say that tonight’s open house at PADT was a big success. We had over 100 visitors that came to see our facility and learn about simulation, product development, and rapid prototyping. Our favorite was all the little kids that made it out to learn about 3D Printing. They had the best questions and their enthusiasm was infectious.
There were so many visitors that we didn’t have time to take too many pictures, but hopefully the folks from the Scitech Festival will have lots to share. Here is one:
If you missed the event, have no fear, most of what we talked about is available on our website: www.padtinc.com.
Or if you have a group that would like a tour, just contact us and we will set it up.
To see other events that are part of the Arizona Scitech Festival visit: azscitechfest.org.
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