3D Printing Glossary

Additive Manufacturing, Defined

3D Printing Glossary from PADT

Welcome to PADT’s online 3D Printing Glossary. A place to find definitions for the terms used in the Additive Manufacturing industry.

It is by no means authoritative nor a complete glossary of 3D printing terms, but it is currently the most comprehensive list of industry jargon that is freely available on the internet. We currently have 463 entries in our 3D Printing Glossary. 

PADT has been a leader in additive manufacturing since we launched the company in 1994.  And before that, our founders were users of what was then called “rapid prototyping” since the late 1980’s.

This 3D Printing Glossary is our take on the words used in the industry. But new processes and new terms come up every day.  To that end, If you have a term you would like to see added to this 3D printing glossary, or a suggestion for a change to one of our definitions, please share your suggestions here or send an email to info@padtinc.com

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If you can not find what you are looking for in PADT’s 3D Printing Glossary, please fill out our request form and we will look it up and get it added to our listing. 



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