Ansys LS-DYNA is the most used explicit simulation program in the world and is capable of simulating the response of materials to short periods of severe loading. Its many elements, contact formulations, material models and other controls can be used to simulate complex models with control over all the details of the problem.
LS-DYNA is the industry-leading software for simulation applications like drop tests, impact and penetration, smashes and crashes, occupant safety, and more; and with the release of Ansys 2022 R2 comes updates and enhancements that further solidify the value of this innovative multiphysics solver.

Join PADT’s Chief Simulation Engineer and LS-DYNA expert, Jim Peters for a closer look at the specific components that make this new release so successful.

This presentation will include enhancements made for:
- Materials
- Multiphysics
- And Much More
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