PADT Turns 30!

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It is kind of hard to wrap your mind around three decades. So much has happened in every one of those years that just looking back and contemplating a fraction of the successes, failures, and day-to-day work of PADT is difficult. So why try? Let’s just celebrate it!

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A Huge Thank You

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But first, we want to take some time to just say thank you. Thank you to our employees, to our families, to our customers, and to our partners. Every step of the way has been enabled by the people who work for and with PADT and the people in their lives. It is a cliche to say we could not have done it without you, but it’s true: we could not have done it without you. And more importantly, it would not have been as fun or rewarding without everyone who participated and helped along the way.

Our Official Thoughts on 30 Years of Making Innovation Work

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What would an important event like PADT’s 30th anniversary be without a press release? Joking aside, we took some time to capture how we feel about this milestone. We really appreciate the opportunity to work with so many great people.

You can view the press release:

Tell Us What You Think About our 30th

One way you can help us celebrate is to visit our PADT30 page and leave a congratulations message or your thoughts about PADT and this anniversary.

Take a Look at Our History

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If your new to PADT, you can learn about our history a bit on our About | History page here.

Also, when we celebrated our 25th, we did a time capsule. This blog post goes through the artifacts we decided to place inside.

Come Celebrate With Us

Now we get to the good part — let’s celebrate. For this anniversary, we decided to combine our 30th with our annual open house, Nerdtoberfest, which we hold every October.

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Got to to learn more and also click on the “save the date” button to pre-register for the event, receive the official invite when we send them August, and get a calendar invite to block the evening off on your calendar. There are also links there to articles on past Nerdtoberfests so you can get a feel for what a great event they are.

We can’t wait to say thank you in person in October!

Follow along at

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Further Thoughts

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One conclusion we came to when we came to when we thought about this anniversary was the surprise about how important our relationships with people have been through this whole thing. I share my thoughts on this in my monthly column in the Phoenix Business Journal: “My View: After 30 years running tech business, our thoughts are focused on our people.”

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